I took some time off from this blog to think about my life and where I am and what I am looking forward to in the coming months and years.
Life is not for "sissies". It throws tough things at you and then seems to want to kick you when you are down.
I have been a bit "in the dumps" for the past month.
Lots of reasons but frankly none of them are worth the cost of losing a second of the joy and magic of just living.
Self pity parties really yield no positive outcomes. Yet even with exercise and a lot of work nothing seemed to help me shake myself of of my doldrums.
Then I found in my desk (quite by accident) an old quote from Emerson that was on a refrigerator magnet I used to keep affixed to my refrigerator door.
Emerson wrote, "finish each day and be done with it.
you have done what you could.
some blunders and absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
tomorrow is a new day.
you shall begin it serenely and with too high a
to be encumbered with your old nonsense".
I am back and trying to not "be encumbered with my old nonsense".
In the coming days and weeks I will start addressing new topics on my blog concerning sustainability, fisheries, the environment, animals, and even perhaps some pragmatic thoughts on some possible solutions to what I see as significant challenges.
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