Friday, March 29, 2013

Moving Toward Production !

We are entering a very exciting time with the company. 

At the new site clearing has been completed, the new road is just about complete, the heavy concrete cisterns have been removed and crushed and we are now about two weeks away from putting out bids for the dirt work and pond construction.

Our very ambitious goal is to start filling the ponds in the first module with water by mid to late September. 

At the Port Isabel R&D facility, we are preparing to start a production protocol mock run starting April 15th and continuing over the next 6-8 months.

This requires a discrete new start at the PI facility and involves amongst other items, adequate preparation to make sure the ponds have been refilled, that all water quality and other environmental parameters essential to optimize both survival and growth of the "soon to be stocked" new shrimp are clearly understood and standardized husbandry protocols are in place. 

It is important that we now begin to put in writing all operational procedures so we can bring consistency to our husbandry system as well as be the training guide for future new employees. 

This as an exciting time as this will be the final dress rehearsal before we start stocking shrimp in the commercial facility at Copano Bay, as well as being an essential step for developing the operating manual that we must have for our Texas operations as well as for potential international opportunities. 

We are now moving rapidly toward commercial production.

(As an aside a few weeks ago we sent about 50 pounds of shrimp back to Maryland for some taste sampling and flavor profiles.

The shrimp were a hit with many in attendance remarking both on the superior flavor profile and the size.

           Below is a platter of a sampling of those GBT jumbo shrimp). 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I studied philosophy at the University of Michigan back in the day.

Philosophy is supposed to be the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. 

No one truly appreciates the practical value of studying philosophy these days. 

  The comedian Steve Martin, a philosophy major himself, put the study of philosophy in the proper context for modern times.

Years ago when being interviewed (by Rolling Stone magazine) he was asked why in the world he studied philosophy as it had absolutely no application to every day life in the modern age.

Martin's reply (which to me was brilliant) was such. 

"If you study mathematics by the time you are 30 you cannot balance your checkbook. If you study biology by the age of 25 you cannot remember a single muscle group in a frog. But, if you study philosophy your mind is screwed up for the rest of your life." 

As I coast into old age, one philosopher whose words deeply resonate with me is the Greek philosopher, Epicurus. 

One of my favorite Epicurus quotes is:

"It is not the young man who should be considered fortunate but the old man who has lived well, because the young man in his prime wanders much by chance, vacillating in his beliefs, while the old man has docked in the harbor, having safeguarded his true happiness."

Aristotle, another favorite philosopher of mine once wrote that the pursuit of man is all about finding happiness.

After 6 decades on this earth I have come to believe that "happiness" is indeed a worthy goal to seek, as we try and figure out why we are here and what existence really is all about.

I guess my "long time coming" but now growing epiphany is that for me happiness does not seem to come with grand events or huge accomplishments as I once believed, but with small daily acts of kindness and friendship that form the foundation of my existence. 

It is these special moments with those I love and that love me in return that lets me recharge my batteries and gives me the strength and energy to face the travails of life.  

I was home the past week in Maryland. 
Despite the weather throwing me a curve dumping about 3 inches of snow on the ground a week after Spring had officially begun, the greater part of my trip was spent spending time with my dogs, my cats, my parrot, Lori, Stephen, and Victoria, Stephen's girlfriend, simply enjoying the normal ebb and flow of daily family life.

In any event, I found quite a few moments of real happiness this past week. 

(Here are a few of my family members watching "The Big Theory" with me last week).

Sunday, March 17, 2013

New Neighbor at Site

Seems we have a mascot for the company on our new site.

     As I have mentioned we recently purchased 171 acres on Copano Bay near Portland, Texas. 

We have begun clearing the site in preparation to start the initial dirt work and begin construction on the first eight ponds that will be housed under roof in our bio-secure aquaculture facility.

The location is absolutely stunning as we are basically on a peninsula that juts out into Copano Bay so we are looking at water on three sides of the site. In addition the land is bordered by several pristine wetland areas one of which is clearly inhabited by this seven foot long American alligator.

Our construction chief, Keith snapped this shot of the gator this past Tuesday.

I decided that our new neighbor needed a name. After much discussion and the inevitable sarcastic suggestions, call it "Shoes", or "Luggage" and of course Lori's suggestion "Hermes" and Aquilino's initial entry "Barbecue" I decided to go with Aquilino's second suggestion " Scales". 

So, since we do not know if it is a male or female the gender neutral name of "Scales" seems to be the best fit.

Let's hope we can peacefully co-exist with Scales and more to the point let's hope Scales does not develop a taste of shrimp. 

There is at least one positive aspect to having a seven foot American alligator residing contiguous to our site. It is highly unlikely we will get any night time trespassers coming from Scales' side of the property. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Settling In

It has been a very hectic and stressful couple of weeks.

I have finally gotten settled in my own house here in Texas. 

While I love the home I have in Maryland the focus of my work the last two years and for the next two years is here in Texas.

Also, we are close to getting Lori into the MUC1 vaccine trial in Dallas so it will be important to have a place here that makes it easy on her to get the vaccine on a weekly basis as the protocol requires.

In any event, we (my son, Stephen and I) are settling in.

First of the heavy equipment arrived on site this past week. We are officially in the construction stage. 

My goal is to be filling the eight full scale commercial ponds by September. Ambitious but doable. 

Now that my computers are up and running and I have my "comfort" level back, (I hate feeling like a nomad) I can begin to focus on Lori's cancer treatment and work.

Traveling back and forth these past two weeks I have had a lot of time to think about a lot of things, some serious, others not serious at all. 

On the not so serious side, and after being in my truck for  three hours one day I started thinking about my favorite bumper stickers.

Here they are.

1) Husband and Dog Missing- Reward for Dog.

2) Eat Mutton, Four Million Damn Coyotes Can't be Wrong.

3) Stop "Global Whining"!

4) Don't Blame Me - I didn't Vote for the Bastard"!

5) No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

6) Just because you are Paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you".

7) Jesus Loves You - Everyone else thinks you are an asshole.