Monday, August 27, 2012

Winning a "Round"

With hope comes joy.....

Finally got some very positive news concerning Lori's treatment. 

The clinical trail she is in using "iriparib and irinotecan" to try and halt the metastatic progression of her cancer appears to be working.

Her current brain lesion has actually shrunk in the 9 weeks she has been on the trail. 

And she has no "new" metastatic activity. (Thanks to the Lord)

So, it appears we have some real hope as we continue to pursue a vaccine that may be able to boost her immune system to such a level that the triple negative breast cancer does not recur elsewhere. 

She tires easily and the "chemo" has definitely taken its toll in other ways, but she is still driving her own vehicle, taking care of her dogs, doing her own grocery shopping and visiting the horses and taking them carrots. 

Not bad for a cancer patient whom MD Anderson told almost three months ago to "start on end of life "chemo ' and get your affairs in order". 

Lori is and has always been atypical when it comes to responding to any type of medical treatments. And she has always been a fighter.

This is the fight "of her life for her life" and though she has a lot of rounds to go, she just won this round.

Please keep the prayers coming. They are working. 

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