Sometimes you don’t need an amazing event or a huge accomplishment to have a good week. Sometimes simple progress and fun moments defines success.
Below is a weekly update from our construction manager:
Here is today's update on progress of the site works being undertaken on our site.
Following the arrival on Wednesday of a CAT 631G Scraper on site, we now also have a CAT D9T Dozer on site which arrived yesterday afternoon.
The CAT 631G Scraper weighs in at around 100,000lb empty, and will hold around 34yd3 of dirt in its scraper bowl, bringing its operating weight to a hefty 184,000lbs
The CAT D9T has an operating weight of around 110,447lb and will move around 17 to 21yd3 of dirt at a time with its 14 to 15ft wide blade.
Topographical surveying for Rangers setting out and operating purposes was carried out on Thursday in preparation for the earth moving to begin. Currently we have Daniel and his team on site installing the silt fencing around the site, and they hope to be completed by the end of tomorrow, depending on how their work goes on the more difficult access parts of the site.
The silt fencing work is being undertaken by BMP Specialist, based out of Austin, TX. and utilizes a 10,800lb CAT 299D Compact Track Loader with a chain trencher attachment fitted to make a shallow trench for the bottom of the silt fencing to sit into, which is then backfilled to seal the base of the silt fence into the ground.
Further updates will follow as we proceed with this exiting
time in our project.
Oh, by the way I saw Iron Man 3 this week. Loved it. Two plus
hours of escapism.
Saw preview for new Thor movie. Can’t wait.
Finished a great book by Carl Hiassan, “Lucky You”. Too funny and
too weird. Great tale.
Sometimes a good week comes from just a lot of small but very "good moments".
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