Saturday, April 19, 2014

Random Thoughts On This Saturday Morning

Lori had chemo yesterday. Her tumor markers continue to go down, they are now around 49. 

This is down from a high of over 80 a few months ago.

So, there is absolutely no question the chemo cocktail of Avastin, Holaven, and Xaloda works for her.

United Health Care (UHC) is still refusing to pay for treatment. Says no "proof" it extends patients life. FDA is just as bad.

Baylor Oncology doctors have filed an expedited appeal which should be ruled on by this coming Tuesday April 22nd. 

Hopefully, the UHC board will reverse themselves and do the "right" thing. 

In case they do not we are now looking at legal remedies such as a "bad faith" denial claim.

The social pressure from all of you helps, please keep pouring it on. 

This is no longer about just one woman's life. This "cocktail" could extend the lives of thousands or more women in similar situations.

The denial by UHC to pay for this treatment after the decades of us paying expensive premiums to them for premimum health care insurance is not just wrong for Lori, but a larger symptom of what is wrong in America with health care. 

Yes, I agree with the "Democrats" on this one. 

Health care should be a fundamental human (and for all non-human animals) right.

One thought for sure this morning. This fight is going to be like nothing UHC has seen before. 

On another thought train, we are within two weeks or so of stocking the first pond at new facility here in Texas. 

Very exciting. We have put together an amazing team. 

And over the next few months as people start to become more aware of what the technology we have developed can do, global interest (already increasing) is going to sky rocket.

One thought that is starting to be repeated in my head over and over is that now may well be the time I need to start looking at a serious partner to help us take what we have developed and have perfected in growing very large white shrimp sustainably, and start looking seriously at bringing two or three species of fin fish into the system. 

Since we retooled the entire Global Blue Technologies system starting in 2011 and abandoned the system and structure and methodology that we had ended up with in South Africa back in 2007, we have been able to fine tune our ability to grow enormous amounts of marine protein sustainability and efficiently in the re-circulating aquaculture system we developed. 

Despite the fact that we know our original work began in 1998 and despite the fact we know every step of the process occurred including our failures and successes, there still continues to be a large number of "pretenders" claiming they do what we do, or that they were the ones who did it first, etc. 

I say to all, if you can produce marine protein efficiently, sustainability, and in an environmentally sound way, bring it on. 

The world needs it. 

God knows, the world's oceans and the creatures that inhabit them need a break.

I am of the camp that believes wars will soon be fought over food and water, not oil and gas.

For a better understanding of how the GBT system evolved I again urge you to go the the web site and read about the "evolution of GBT".

Finally a few random thoughts. 

These past few weeks a lot of fears, insecurities, doubts, and other  not so positive thoughts have crept (at times) into my mind

Then the other night I watched on "you tube" the segment from the Disney movie "Frozen" where the young female character sang the (now a global phenomenon) song, "Let it Go". 

(The same song that just won an Academy Award).  

Do yourself a favor and watch and listen to the words of the song.

I do not agree with those who maintain it is a song for children and young people, though I can see its strong appeal to them. 

My thought after hearing the words and understanding the story, is that the song is a life affirming message that reminds everyone, that we as individuals still count as an individual, and there in nothing wrong with being different.

Plato said one time, (in some ancient tome, the title of which I can no longer recall) that "there is no such thing as a "forest" there is just a bunch of individual trees that we call a forest to allow us to order our world".

This is why I abhor those people who harm animals for sport or fun and claim it is for "the good of the species". 

A "species" does not suffer, only individuals feel pain, and fear, and anxiety. 

Good and decency comes in all forms and what may appear a liability at times can often if one stays focused become a driving force for success and progress.

As I watched the animated segment from "Frozen", I was reminded of another saying from my grandmother. 

"Never let religion get in the way of God". 

I leave that for you to ponder as my final thought on this Saturday morning. 

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