The following four articles are represent just a
few of a myriad of articles I have read in the last 2 weeks each of which is
reporting on collapsing fisheries stocks, ocean pollution, loss of habitat,
disease and worse. Basically if one takes the time to keep abreast (and if you
can avoid falling into a state of depression), to quote my grandmother, “ it
does not take a rocket scientist to see the oceans are in serious trouble.”
Something has to be done and done soon and the
silly and ill intentioned efforts by most governments are just exacerbating the
Nuff Said.
Eight Chilean fisheries undergoing 'collapse
April 10, 2015, 21:50
A report released by the Undersecretariat
of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) reveals that eight
Chilean fisheries are undergoing a collapse status and further eight are
overexploited, which highlights the sensitive situation faced by the country’s
main fishery resources.
In the report Situation Status of the
Major Chilean Fisheries, SUBPESCA presents a bleak picture for several
national fisheries, since to these depleted or overfished fisheries further 22
that are in full operation are added.
For the first time in Chile the biological
reference points (PBR) are officially defined in order to establish the
conservation status of fishery resources.
Out of a total of 38 fisheries that were
analyzed, 22 have their respective PBR, which according to SUBPESCA, is the
result of a joint effort of international experts, national scientific and
The report details the hake is one of the
resources facing a difficult conservation status, between Coquimbo and Los
Lagos Regions, so the fishery has been classified as undergoing a state of
exhaustion or collapse.
While just two years ago the authorised hake
quota reached 40,000 tonnes, this year the Technical Scientific Committee
recommended a quota of 23,000 tonnes, that is to say, a reduction of 42.5 per
"If we do not take administration measures,
no matter how hard or strict they are, in a timely and sustainable manner, we
risk that in the coming years the hake will be very hard to find," warned
SUBPESCA head Raul SĂșnico.
Other resources that were found in collapse or
exhaustion status are the anchovy of the southern-central area, Spanish
sardine, golden kingklip, Cardinal fish and alfonsino.
Meanwhile, those resources deemed as
overexploited are the northern anchovy, horse mackerel, hoki, southern hake,
southern blue whiting, stingray and Patagonian toothfish (Chilean sea bass).
"These results show us a very important
challenge for the future," admitted SĂșnico. "As a government, we are
committed to recover our fisheries, respecting the scientific criteria for
proper management, widen the scope of the fishing activity, especially the
artisanal or small scale one, and provide sustainability for the future."
By Mark Godfrey,
SeafoodSource contributing editor reporting from Beijing, China
Published on Monday, March
23 2015
Chinese fishery officials
are celebrating the launch of a large new trawler, the Ming Kai, which is being
promoted in China as giving the country an edge in the hunt for shrimp and
other species in Antarctic waters. It is Asia's largest processing trawler,
according to a statement by the Qingdao Ocean & Fisheries Bureau, a
government body.
Launched by Qingdao Ocean
Fishing Co., also a government controlled entity, the vessel (whose name
translates literally as ‘Bright Going Out’) the vessel comes in at 120.7 meters
in length, with carrying capacity of 7,765 metric tons (MT) and will carry a
crew of 122.
Pictured this month in the
farming pages of the People’s Daily (the main mouthpiece of the Chinese
Communist Party) newspaper, the Ming Kai is expected to land an annual haul of
12,000 MT of Antarctic krill and shrimp worth USD11.7 million (EUR 10.29
million), according to the Bureau’s statement, which described the Antarctic as
a “vast area [that] bears abundant marine resources, including six to 10
million tons of krill.”
In words that will give
conservationists pause, the Bureau’s statement describes the Antarctic as “the
world's largest repository of animal protein, the biological equivalent to the
current annual global marine catch, with huge potential for exploitation.”
The statement, which is
unusually blunt in its declaration of China’s intent, states that
“comprehensive development and utilization of Antarctic marine resources of
great strategic importance,” given the “natural resources are relatively
scarce” for such a populous country [China].
Qingdao Ocean Fishing Co.
released a brief statement saying that it was fulfilling a national “going out”
strategy of the Chinese government.
Long a hub for the seafood
processing industry, Qingdao has in recent years been issuing policies and
subsidies to increase the presence of local long-range vessels on the high
seas. Building a “strong ocean city” and “frog-leaping the competition in
long-distance offshore fishing” are both central to the city’s published plans
for future economic development and requires that it promote the development of
offshore fishing, according to a blueprint issued by the city’s government.
Seen by SeafoodSource, a
Qingdao government document titled the “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating
the Construction of a Blue Granary” promises related support policies to
support the development of “large-tonnage, high-power steel boats” and also
promises to fund a “multi-channel marketing campaign” to draw investors to
local fishing firms targeting the high seas.
A government document
titled “Views on the Acceleration of Development of Long Distance Fishing
Industry” seems designed as much to expand the presence of local pelagic firms
in far-off waters as much as to ramp up processing of those catches in Qingdao.
Published by the city’s Ocean & Fisheries Bureau, the document also calls
on fisheries firms to support a Qingdao Aquatic Trade and Logistics Center
Project (also known as the North China International Seafood Logistics Centre),
a blueprint which would make Qingdao the largest seafood processing and trading
hub in northeast Asia. The center aims to handle 3 million MT of seafood
annually, worth CNY 54 billion (USD 8.7 billion; EUR 7.9 billion).
To achieve their goals,
Qingdao officials have listed a series of species and locations to be
particular targets for local firms: Tuna resources in the Midwest Pacific and
Indian Ocean are singled out, as well as squid in the southeast Pacific and the
Southwest Atlantic
IN BRIEF - Lobster
growth rates to decline under increasing ocean acidification conditions
Thursday, April 09, 2015
The growth and molting rates of juvenile lobsters are
likely to decrease significantly as the oceans become increasingly acidic
from climate change, making the animals more vulnerable to predation and
leading to fewer adult lobsters being available for harvest.
Those are the results of a four-month laboratory study
conducted by University of
Rhode Island doctoral student Erin McLean. "I'm not sure
yet what the mechanism is that is affecting their growth," she said,
"but it takes energy for them to regulate the increased acidity, which
is energy they cannot then put toward growth."
Source: Phys
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