Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Not Good, Not Bad, Just Is.

Been a while since I have written anything on this blog. 

Brain has been in a strange place.

I guess tonight I am tired, feeling a bit of my mortality and need a little cathartic release.

Rescued two baby shore birds today. Very cool. 

Sadly their Mom was killed accidentally near Copano site. 

Took both babies to "The Ark" in Aransas Pass. 

They will do well there. 

Good group, everyone should send money too. 

Takes money to save wildlife. 

Money is only a way of providing opportunity so, what the hell. 

Going on 40 months with Lori surviving and fighting stage 4 metastatic cancer, now in brain, liver, breast, and kidney. 

Nothing good to say, except through prayer and great doctors at Baylor she is still alive and enjoys most days. 

Living with cancer is sure as hell not easy and not for the faint hearted. 

I think living with stage 4 cancer is harder than dying from it.

Hemingway once said, "Death is a whore, I will buy her a drink but I will not go upstairs with her". 

I think I finally understand what he meant.

Project going great. 

Having Eduardo join the team has made life much better for me. GBT is going to shock the world. 

We are not there yet and I am not going to pontificate yet, but we are getting close.

I am very tired of the state of American behavior. No one in the USA wants to be responsible for anything anymore. 

Our manufacturers as a rule, make a shit product, charge too much, and go to court when anyone bitches about it. 

People have no courage. They are scared of social media, terrified they might be given a bad rap, or accused of something and in the court of public opinion be judged guilty regardless of the facts.

Sad, but that is the state of things. I guess I just do not care anymore.

I have always said people are herd animals but we are now it seems, at least in America, a frightened herd fearful of being cut out and isolated and judged. 

Fear is probably not unhealthy, cowardice is a sickness.

Been traveling a lot lately. been in Japan, Okinawa, Saudi.

Here I am on the banks of the Red Sea in Saudi a few weeks ago. 

Traveling does not have the appeal of sense of adventure for me it did when I was younger but nonetheless, it beats not traveling.

I have no message tonight. 

The company is doing great, I think we may actually have a sustainable, healthy way to feed the world. That is very cool but I guess for me I have become too jaded.

I am lonely and a bit adrift but that is nothing new.

I have a thousand new stories and challenges but they all seem a bit "blasé" to me.

Great line from a former friend keeps coming back to me, " Don't let religion get in the way of God". 

That is not a bad dictum.

Given the mood I am in tonight that is probably where I should stop. 

More to follow soon. I will get back into a more prolific writing mood shortly.

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