Sunday, July 6, 2014

Two Thoughts on a 4th of July Weekend

On this 4th of July weekend as it is slowly winding down and we get ready to face the second half of 2014, and whatever it may bring, I have two thoughts I want to share.

The first is on opportunity. 

Teddy Roosevelt, by far my favorite American President, was supposedly approached one time by some one and asked "if you were given the opportunity to build a boat, even though you have never built a boat in your life, how would you answer?"

To which Teddy supposedly replied "why, my good man, I would seize the opportunity and build the boat."

To which the other party replied, "but you do not know how to build a boat."

And Roosevelt put his head back and laughed, and said, " my dear friend, I can always learn to build a boat, I can learn most any skill, but the "opportunity" ah, to be given the "opportunity" to build a boat, why that may never happen again in my lifetime."

So one thought I want to share today is to never underestimate the value and the luck involved in getting an "opportunity." 

Like inventing a cell phone or winning the Super Bowl, skill and talent can sometimes take you far.

But getting the opportunity to "build that phone or play in that game", and indeed, having the chance to improve oneself or change one's life, well, that opportunity can be rare and it can never happen, or if it ever happens, it may only happen once in a lifetime.

I have heard countless individuals bemoan their station or position in life blaming "this or that" for their not achieving the position or rewards they felt they deserved. 

However, after hearing the details of dozens or more such stories I have come to realize that almost all of them had been afforded an "opportunity" to change their life for the better but for various reasons, fear, immaturity, lack of recognition, whatever the reason, they had simply let that opportunity pass by.

My second thought of the day came this morning while driving to Starbucks, there suddenly popped into my head an old line attributed to John Lennon.

Lennon once said, "Life is what happens while you are making other plans."

The tragedy of his murder and the impact of his talent will never be forgotten by those of us who grew up during the era of the Beatles.

That said, the message that "life happens despite your plans" may be perhaps one of the most profound things Lennon ever wrote about or remarked upon.

I have always tried to plan what I will do and how I will get there and I have been very fortunate to have succeeded financially and in enjoying (for the most part) the experiences of my life. 

Ironically in hindsight not one adventure, not one project, not even one small strategic plan I developed, ever went as I had planned, despite my best (or worst) efforts.

I guess the second thought I want to share today is try and enjoy living and just doing the best you can with what God hands you. 

Because all the planning in the world will not change the events that life will throw at you. The only thing that you can control or change is how you will react to them or handle them.

Or as my Grandmother always said, "given a choice between a life of good luck or a life where you can have a high degree of skill (or talent), choose the life of perpetual good luck. 

Good luck can over come a lack of skill, but a life of bad luck, can not be altered or improved by all the skill in the world."

Happy 4th of July weekend. 

Here's to a second half of 2014 filled with "Good Luck" and multiple "opportunities" for all of us.

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