John Aquilino sent me the following link early this morning.
Hopefully, you can click on it directly or cut and paste it and go straight to the story.
DW, Follow this link to the full story. The one below is totally convoluted with a snippet at the very end. JA
I have been told that there have been at least 4 separate national stories in the past weeks, whose content was similar to the link above John Aquilino sent me on the HSUS expose.
From 1990 through most of 1995 I battled internally against the President and CFO and others running HSUS against the deceit and misuse and fraud in nearly every aspect of the way they raised money and lied to the public.
For confronting them with what I knew they were doing, just using information from many dangerous investigations I personally undertook at their bequest, I would eventually be framed, branded a thief, and accused of virtually several acts of criminal behavior they hoped they could try and make stick on me.
Wayne Pacelle who I thought was a trusted friend washed his hands of me. So did virtually every other person who had worked closely with me at HSUS.
I became a pariah in the humane world. I was angry, hurt, and confused.
But I never stopped caring for and respecting all life on this planet and I continued to care for the planet itself.
I even, with John Aquilino's strong assistance, wrote a book, entitled, "Undercover: Five Years Fighting for Animals at the Humane Society of the United States" about that experience.
When the South African partner tried to steal our company in 2008 my infamous reputation within the humane movement was once again used to try and undermine my character and my integrity.
This was 13 years after I had left the HSUS.
The Internet never lets any "lie die".
I should feel somewhat vindicated but somehow I just don't give a damn anymore.
While we will have our setbacks and difficulties, we are succeeding and will only improve as we move forward.
I knew 15 years ago the world needed this system or something like it.
That said, I have no doubt that before we truly get everything in our system running as I know it will, I will again be accused of a million negative accusations and worse.
When we miss a harvest or there is any kind of setback, or delay, or even the perception of a misstep, the accusations will begin to reappear.
Everyone is all too willing to immediately believe the worst thing that can be whispered about anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in the public arena, even if you are not even a significant personality or player.
And they like you even less when you do not keep your observations to yourself.
Or when you refuse to let someone tell you or ask you to accept what you know is simply not true.
I do not feel sorry for myself but I really no longer give a damn about the opinions of the idiots out there.
And frankly, that is most of the press, the politicians, and so forth and unfortunately the general public who like "sheep to slaughter" follow the crowd and believe what they read while never even making an effort to seek to see the full truth.
Or " Heaven forbid", stop to think there might actually be two sides to any story being told.
So, as I have been asked multiple times today and as I will be asked the same question in the future, "what is my reaction to this story and other articles on the recent expose of HSUS?"
My response is simply "why was everyone so surprised, so unwilling, so blind, and so ignorant, that they did not see through this duplicity 20 years ago?"
"I did."