Approximately one month since initial stocking and the facility is performing beyond expectations.
I would prefer to have a juvenile rearing facility (JRF) in which we can take the post larval shrimp from about a "PL 10" to a size of 5 grams before we stock them in the actual production ponds.
That is not the case here so we must stock the PL's directly into the production ponds. It is a bit inefficient and it does not give a true indicator of the actual production performance of the system but we can adjust for the growth time lost in not having a JRF and extrapolate real production time very accurately.
In any case the shrimp are growing beautifully and despite three days of very cool and cloudy weather the pond temperatures are holding at a nearly perfect 82 degrees Fahrenheit. (And this is without having our heating system installed).
There are about 18 conditions that maximize an aquatic organism's ability to grow and survive to maximum efficiency. In a traditional open pond aquaculture system you can control maybe two of these factors. In our system we control 13 of the 18 and are closing in on controlling two more. Exciting and evolutionary.
I am so ready to start working on several species of fin fish that I know will thrive in our system. We are progressing quite nicely.
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