Sunday, March 18, 2012


Lot's going on right now.

Getting ready to take Lori and the animals back to Maryland.

As you have gathered if you read this blog regularly, my dogs, cats, horses, and parrot mean a great deal to me.

I have no problem admitting they constitute, along with Stephen and Lori, my family.

I sleep sporadically and one of the delights of my life is waking up at odd times through out the night and finding I always have loving company.

It brings me great comfort.

Comfort is important. I learned today that a dear friend and business partner's 3 year old daughter may have leukemia. 

I am praying this will not be the case. 

I have great faith in theodicy. 

Most people today struggle to remember what that word even means but I have always believed it is one of the most important words in the world. 

I see proof of its application everyday. 

Today Lori walked on the beach for one hour.

Ten weeks ago when she arrived here in Texas with me after undergoing full brain radiation she could not walk unaided 5 minutes. She is getting stronger and she is beating the triple negative demon that so many do not.

I look at her today and see the same beautiful girl I married 17 years ago. 

This was us circa 1995. 

I show my years these days. 

Even with everything she has been through Lori does not. 

Lori got an inspirational video from Lance Armstrong last week. 

Talk about a survivor. 

These are just a few of the random reasons I have such faith in theodicy. 

Look it up. 

It is  a great word and it may be the most important word affecting the reality of our existence.

It is also why I am sure this three year old girl is going to be OK. 

Ok, I won't hope you look up it's meaning. It is too important of a word in all of our lives. I'll give it to you.

It means, "the vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil".

Cancer is evil. 

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