Before I begin to address a multiplicity of future subjects on this blog, such as pet overpopulation, or the problems with wild fisheries and conventional aquaculture, to heaven knows what else, I want to mention a small but exciting initiative upon which John Aquilino and I have embarked.
It is called DeLight Publishing.
I have always wanted to write and John is an excellent editor and published writer.
A few months ago we incorporated DeLight Publishing Company. Our first published title was a part autobiographical, part cookbook by my wife, Lori J. White. It is a wonderful book and we learned a great deal about publishing and book distribution doing it.
It is a funny and interesting story and I am very proud of Lori for putting parts of her unique life into print. (Lori "grew up" working on Capitol Hill and had a fascinating career). The book is available on Amazon, simply go to "books" and type in " Half-Baked, Confessions of a True Anti Chef", by Lori J. White. It also has some great original recipes.
As I mentioned in an earlier blog (I think) I have two more titles that will be available in July on Amazon or directly through DeLight Publishing.
The first, "Undercover" chronicles my 5 plus years with the HSUS (Humane Society of The United States), as a covert investigator into the base world of animal abuse and exploitation. It tells my side of the story of my experiences with HSUS. Having been out of the animal rights movement for over 15 years but still having the events surrounding my departure being circulated inaccurately on the Internet and elsewhere John felt strongly I needed to tell the story of my work during my time with HSUS. Hopefully, interested parties, (be they friend or foe) will get a glimpse of my version of that period of my life. It is loaded with pictures that document my work around the globe on behalf of animals.
I enjoyed writing it and I hope it makes an interesting read.
Then in July, my second book, which was written as a homage to my Uncle Joe will be available. It is called "Talk to My A**, My Head Hurts". It is a story I have wanted to tell for years. The people who have previewed the draft have called it "inspirational" but to me it is just a very special story. It is a short book, and will be available through the same two outlets, Amazon and DeLight Publishing.
DeLight anticipates publishing at least two more titles in the coming months, one by a young man and good friend detailing his unique perspective on his life. (More on this book as it nears completion).
I am currently writing the second a book. I am dedicating it to my wife, Lori. This book will discuss the ongoing insanity of the societal killing of surplus dogs and cats. It will take a look at the factors that contribute to pet overpopulation in the USA and hopefully, provide a very concise and simple blueprint on how this tragedy could be ended in a few years if pet owners expressed their political clout and demanded it stop.
I will get back to blogs on sustainable use issues, the environment, aquaculture and fisheries and more as I proceed with developing this blog, but I wanted you to be aware of what we are doing with DeLight Publishing. I will post the exact dates all of the above books become available.
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