I have always liked writing. There (to me) is something infinitely more substantive about the written word then other forms of communication.
I like the heft and feel of books. Today with the electronic media so prevalent sometimes it appears as though books may be going out of fashion. I truly hope not.
I believe reading exercises your brain more then movies, television and video games.
I also believe that reading a book, an actual book is somehow more rewarding then having that book read to you.
When you read a book by yourself and to yourself your mind has to create the pictures the words evoke. For me that creates a form of "magic" that allows someone else's story to come alive in my mind.
In a an earlier blog I listed 25 books (from a list I have made of over 150 books), I felt that enriched and greatly impacted by own life.
I admire authors. Even the most mediocre author has created something that can evoke imagination, thought, and creativity in a reader.
I have said many times when I get older I was going to write books.
Well, I am "older".
My first book as I have mentioned previously is an inspirational story about my growing up with Uncle Joe. I should say it is inspirational to me. It is a very modest little tome and can be read very quickly. (It has only about 65 pages).
I will see the final proof next week, and it will be available for purchase on July 1, 2011.
Here is a sneak preview of the cover. I like it very much. I hope whomever reads it, even if it is only one other person, experiences a small touch of that "magic" so that my humble story comes alive in their mind. To me that is the miracle of books. I am going to write more books.
Love the cover!