At the end of a long week it was nice to get a reminder of what our system will achieve.
There are moments in the process of building any successful venture that mark significant progress.
As we bring on line all of the very complicated systems that enable our recirculating aquaculture system to be so efficient we find that we have to be patient as certain very critical components necessary to our success come on line.
One of the things we do to assure success is to set up a test group or baseline sample to use as a measuring device to gauge our progress.
This baseline also reminds us of what we are capable of and what we will achieve when all of the components in our integrated system are fully operational.
We have many elements that must work in tandem to yield the production results that we have targeted. Many of them take time (on a large scale) to be 100 % functional.
Many of them are very, very, proprietary and essential to our system.
Most involve fundamental biological processes that work naturally but that we are trying to manipulate to achieve better size, growth, and survival rates.
As we bring the full commercial system on line we also set up a baseline group in which we manage a perfect replica of the environment and nutritional conditions we will eventually have in the full scale production system.
The bio floc, the WWT , the distribution of solids all take a while to bring up to speed in the full production system but in our managed baseline group we can (on this smaller scale) create optimum conditions immediately.
Today we took a pathology sample from the baseline sample.
This is what our system will produce when everything is functioning as designed. That will happen in about 3 months.
Until then we can just enjoy what we know will happen.
35 grams in about ten weeks.
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